Laura Jennings

Nutrition Coach

Laura helps people improve their relationship with food by taking a holistic approach and making simple tweaks to their diet that are realistic and effective.

  • Weight Management

    Hormone Health (PCOS, PMS, Menopause)

    Gut Health (IBS, Bloating, Crohn's)

    Energy, Chronic Fatigue and Stress

    Diet Support (E.g. Vegetarian, plant based)

    Sport Performance

  • BSc Psychology

    MSc Nutrition (ANutr)

    200hr RYT

  • Laura has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and her first job was in the fashion industry where she spent over six years and saw first-hand the mental and physical challenges that arose as a result of inadequate nourishment.

    Laura now works as a researcher part-time at The Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University to understand the link between how food impacts our mental health.

    In her spare time, Laura writes for Men’s Fitness Magazine in the UK and Wellbeing Magazine Australia. She is a keen yogi and tries to get on the mat everyday even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

    Laura brings her nutrition knowledge and passion for optimal health from London to Melbourne to educate and inspire individuals to lead healthier and happier lives.


Schedule an Appointment

Step 1:

Select your desired appointment type

Step 2:

Choose your desired practitioner. If you are unsure who to select please click on Our Team in the top header too read our staff bio’s.

Step 3:

Search for your preferred date and time and select to book.

We look forward to seeing you at Absolute. If you have any questions prior to your appointment you can call our admin team on 03 8547 4830



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